Pesona Alam Kabupaten Kerinci dalam Karya Lukis Naturalis


  • Fikri Hidayat Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Ferdian Ondira Asa Universitas Negeri Padang



Artwork, Naturalist, Kerinci Regency


The creation of this final work aims to visualize the natural charm of Kerinci Regency in Naturalist Painting Works. This is a form of the author's response to the beauty of nature, how beautiful nature would be if it were not damaged. As well as a means to deepen the concepts and techniques of painting work. The creation of this final work applies a creation method that is carried out in stages. Starting from the preparation stage, Exploration stage, Improvisation stage, Formation stage, and completion stage. Based on the method that has been carried out, ten work titles were obtained, namely: "Gunung Kerinci", "Telun Berasap Waterfall", "Mountain Seven Lake", "Panorama of Khayanga Hill", "Aro Kayu Tea Garden", "Panorama of Longing for a Sekepal Tanah Heaven”, “Lake Kaco”, “Rawa Bento”, “Pancuran Rayo Waterfall”, “Bukit Curtain Dew”.


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How to Cite

Fikri Hidayat, & Ferdian Ondira Asa. (2024). Pesona Alam Kabupaten Kerinci dalam Karya Lukis Naturalis. Realisasi : Ilmu Pendidikan, Seni Rupa Dan Desain, 1(4), 257–272.

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