Membangun Pengetahuan Ekonomi Sederhana Sehari-hari untuk Anak-Anak di Desa Gongsol
Building, Knowledge, EconomyAbstract
This article is Building Simple Everyday Economic Knowledge for Children in Gongsol Village aims to equip children with basic economic skills that are relevant to everyday life. Teaching concepts such as saving, money management, production, and distribution of goods at an early age provides an important foundation for the development of financial and cooperation skills. Children are involved in practical activities such as making piggy banks from recycled materials and participating in productive activities that teach the values of hard work and economics. In addition to improving understanding of economics, this program also develops character, discipline, responsibility, and interpersonal skills such as negotiation and leadership. Increasing children's motivation to learn is another significant result of this program, with varied learning methods that encourage them to participate more actively. It is hoped that the economic knowledge that is taught from an early age can help children in Gongsol Village to be wiser in managing their resources, building a more independent future, and contributing to the welfare of their village in a sustainable manner.
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